Mysticism & Superstitions

girl eyes

Evil Eye Superstition

The Evil eye; just what is it that causes such powerful superstitious beliefs? By Twinty Karat. The evil eye is a look that is superstitiously believed by many cultures. Believers in the evil eye superstition believe the evil eye look is able to cause injury or bad luck. That is, to the person at whom it is directed for reasons of envy or dislike. The term also refers to the power attributed to certain persons of inflicting injury or bad…

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lucky 786

Lucky Numbers

  Jenny asks… Why is 7 a lucky number? I’m trying to find information on the origin of the numerology of 7. For example, we know that 13 is considered unlucky for one of many reasons. We live in a world where 12 makes sense, 12 hours, 12 months, etc. When the cavemen counted, They could easily count to 12 because they had 10 fingers and 2 feet=12, but 13 posed a problem so it was considered unlucky. 13 was…

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swastika pyramid

Swastika Pyramid

Swastika Pyramid – a Unique Talisman Utilizing the Power of the Pyramids By Bobby Blueblood The swastika pyramid is one of the spiritual objects used in Vastu Shashtra and other astrological sciences. The word pyra means fire or the cosmic force and the word mid stands for middle or between. In other words, the whole concept of pyramid is to hold the universal life giving energy or the cosmic energy in the bosom. Besides Egypt, many other countries have recognized…

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Rebirth Superstitions

Rebirth Superstitions or Life after Death – a very Ancient Superstition By Bobby Blueblood Rebirth or being born again after death is another superstition that has been prevalent from age old times. It is one of several rebirth superstitions that creates hope in the minds of many who fear death. Life after death is a concern of nearly everyone. A lot of us wonder what is going to happen after one dies in this life. Rebirth is a very fascinating…

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wedding henna

Black Horseshoe Kada

Black Horseshoe Kada – A Sacred Bracelet Good Luck Charm By Saba ‘Black horseshoe kada’ is a kind of sacred bracelet made out of the shoes of a black horse. It is also a specifically wrapped chain made out of silver. The significance and the main purpose of this chain is to remove the ‘Vish Yoga’. The ‘bad time’ arising because of the Moon and the planet Saturn coming in conjunction with each other. It is an amazing thing that…

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