India Notes
By Admin
(1) , India Customs and Traditions
Some or many of these customs and traditions of India are not necessarily for good luck per se. But my uneducated guess is that by following some of them one would be a better person. They may have a happier life, maybe better health.
Overall put yourself in a position to experience good things in your life. If so, that is good karma, good luck, good fortune, and something all of us strive for. – Admin, California, USA
(2) Ayurveda Website
Ayurveda (“the complete knowledge for long life”) or Ayurvedic medicine is a system of traditional medicine native to India and practiced in other parts of the world as a system of complementary and alternative medicine.
Although Ayurveda is not directly related to good luck it is an old Indian tradition that’s still going strong and now spreading worldwide. We believe if one learns and applies the knowledge gained from Ayurveda that the good health and well-being thus obtained is an excellent prerequisite for receiving good luck or good fortune, and good health.
Learn of this new (to the Western World) type of alternative/complimentary health system.
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